د محمود الشقران د محمود الشقران
أهلا وسهلاً بكم في موقع

د محمود الشقران

ملخّص السيرة الذاتيّة

نبذة مختصرة

د محمود الشقران

Mahmoud Ali Al Shugran is assistant professor at the Department of computer science/networking in the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Jerash University

Mahmoud's research focuses on Wireless and Mobile Networks, routing protocols design, Internet of Things. Mahmoud is the author of several articles and coauthor of other articles in the area of interest. He is currently working in designing a new position-based routing protocol for VANET

Mahmoud obtained his Ph.D. degree from UUM (Universiti Utara Malaysia) in 2014. He has more than 7 years of experience in teaching and researching, in the field of networking. Prior coming to Jerash university, Mahmoud was member of Inter-Networks Research Group, College of Arts and Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia. Further, he was member of 3ed International Conference On Network Application, Protocols & Services (NetAPPS 2012)


الدرجات العلميّة

Ph.D.         College of Arts and Sciences, School of Computing, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia,  2009-2014

M.S.           College of Arts and Sciences, School of Computing, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia,  2008-2009

B.Sc.          Physics Department, The College of Science, Mu’tah University,  1984-1989




الخبرات الأكاديميّة والعلميّة

-present-Jerash Universityا-3/2015

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

-present-Jerash Universityا-3/2015

Lecturer– Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

-present-Universiti Utara Malaysia -UUMا-12/2009

Adjunct Researcher with Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) – InterNetWorks Research Lab, School of Computing, Universiti Utara Malays




الإنتاج العلمي


المؤتمرات العلميّة / المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة

Al-Shugran, Mahmoud, Osman Ghazali, and Shoaib Hassan. "Performance Comparison of Position-Based Routing Protocols in the Context of Solving Greedy Failure." In Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies (ACSAT), 2012 International Conference on, pp. 355-359. IEEE, 2012

 Al-Shugran, Mahmoud, Osman Ghazali, and Shoaib Hassan. "A General Framework for Greedy Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks." In Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies (ACSAT), 2012 International Conference on, pp. 349-354. IEEE, 2012

M. A. Al-shugran, M. M. A. Shqier and G. M. Jaradat, "Adaptive Dynamic Update for Greedy Routing Protocol Using Fuzzy Logic Controller and Mobility Prediction," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT), Rochester, MI, 2018, pp. 0852-0857.




الجدول الدراسي

الجدول الدراسي والساعات المكتبيّة







9:00 - 8:00

Wireless Networks

9:00 - 8:00

Networks Adminstration



10:00 - 9:00

Network Forensics

10:00 - 9:00

Networks Protocols

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