Antibacterial activity of Commiphora molmol in wound infections
Abdulkalig Mohamed, S.M.A. Shahid, Suhaib Ibrahim Alkhamaiseh, Mohammed Qumani Ahmed, Fahd Oudah Alb
Protein Family Recognition based on Fuzzy Logic
Bassam M. El-Zaghmouri And Marwan A. Abu-Zanona
Hybridization Between Iterative Simulated Annealing and Modified Great Deluge for Medical Clustering Problems
Anmar Abuhamdah,Bassam M. El-Zaghmouri,Anas Quteishat and Rawnaq Kittaneh
Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents' knowledge and attitudes toward asthma: A cross-sectional study.
5. Alkhawaldeh, A., ALBashtawy, M., AL Omari, O., Wynaden, D., Alhalaiqa, F., Hamadneh, S., Aljohani, K., Al-Awamreh, K., Khatatbeh, K.
Long Term Conditions Associated with Primary Health Care Service Use Among Older Adults
6. Alkhawaldeh, A., AL Omari, O. AL Bashtawy, M., Holm, M., Qaddumi, J., et al.
Adherence to Antipsychotic Drug Measured by an Arabic Version of Morisky Scale
7. Alhalaiqa, F., Omari, O., Wynaden, D., Almusallami, N., Bashtawy, M., Morisky, D. E., ... & Alkhawaldeh, A.
Prevalence of hypertension and pre-hypertension among secondary school students
.Qaddumi, J., Holm, M., Alkhawaldeh, A., Albashtawy, M., Omar AL Omari, O., Batiha, A., Alhalaiqa, F., Suliman, M., Aljohani, K., & Da’she, A