JPU Video - 2019
Isra' And Miraj Video 2019 - 1440
Hearts with Jerusalem - 2019
Achieving excellence in the fields of education, scientific research, and community service, and promote the university to the level the prestigious universities locally, regionally and globally.
Contributing to building and developing the knowledge community by creating university environment and community partnership that stimulate creativity as well as freedom of thought and expression. Also, keeping abreast of technological developments in the field of education, thus providing the society with the qualified human resources that can meet the needs of the labor market.
The University is committed to consolidating the following fundamental values: 1. Social and moral commitment. 2. Sense of belonging. 3. Justice and equality. 4. Creativity. 5. Quality and Excellence. 6. Transparency and accountability. 7. Responsible freedom. 8.Futurity.
رئيس جامعة جرش يستقبل الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة اتصالات أمنية استقبل رئيس جامعة جرش الأستاذ الدكتور محمد الخلايلة - More ...
وفد طلابي من جامعة فيرجينيا الأمريكية يزور جامعة جرش استقبل رئيس جامعة جرش الأستاذ الدكتور محمد الخلايلة، وفدًا - More ...
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توقيع مذكرة تفاهم بين جامعة جرش وجامعة يوسف ميتما سلي نيجيريا وقعت جامعة جرش اليوم مذكرة تفاهم مشتركة مع جامعة - More ...
رئيس جامعة جرش يشارك في حفل جائزة الحسين بن عبد الله الثاني للعمل التطوعي شارك رئيس جامعة جرش الأستاذ الدكتور - More ...
To add to and improve the University’s image reflecting its relevant successes and achievements in a well-planned manner aiming at enhancing the communication between Jerash University and its surrounding environment.
Acting as a liaison between the University and its internal and external community(s), the Public Relations Department (PRD) seeks to strengthen the latter’s belief and trust in the former’s mission and strategic goals. PRD operates in such areas as press, radio, television and the Internet, publishes related issues and newsletters and organizes seminars, conferences, exhibitions, lectures and workshops. It also participates in cultural, social, scientific and educational events on all levels and strengthen cooperative relationships with both public and private institutions for making use of their programs and experiences.
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