JPU Video - 2019
Isra' And Miraj Video 2019 - 1440
Hearts with Jerusalem - 2019
Achieving excellence in the fields of education, scientific research, and community service, and promote the university to the level the prestigious universities locally, regionally and globally.
Contributing to building and developing the knowledge community by creating university environment and community partnership that stimulate creativity as well as freedom of thought and expression. Also, keeping abreast of technological developments in the field of education, thus providing the society with the qualified human resources that can meet the needs of the labor market.
The University is committed to consolidating the following fundamental values: 1. Social and moral commitment. 2. Sense of belonging. 3. Justice and equality. 4. Creativity. 5. Quality and Excellence. 6. Transparency and accountability. 7. Responsible freedom. 8.Futurity.
تثمن أسرة جامعة جرش من رئيس الجامعة وأعضاء الهيئتين التدريسيّة والإدارية، ورئيس مجلس الأمناء وأعضاء المجلس، ورئيس - More ...
الخلايلة يرعى الحفل الختامي " تحية العلم" في بطولة خماسيات كرة القدم في جامعة جرش توج رئيس جامعة جرش الأستاذ - More ...
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توقيع مذكرة تفاهم بين جامعة جرش وجامعة يوسف ميتما سلي نيجيريا وقعت جامعة جرش اليوم مذكرة تفاهم مشتركة مع جامعة - More ...
جامعة جرش تشارك في احتفال مديرية زراعة جرش بيوم الشجرة شاركت جامعة جرش في احتفالات مديرية زراعة جرش بيوم الشجرة - More ...
Excellence at the university level and achieve the vision of Jerash University and its objectives in a successful and effective way to reach the best results.
To ensure the best cadres of all kinds to implement the systems and the application of accounting standards, to facilitate the provision of information and data accurately and speedily.
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