المجلد الرابع عشر/ العدد الثاني 2012 - Jerash University
Jerash for Research and Studies - المجلد الرابع عشر/ العدد الثاني 2012


In the age of challenges, there has emerged the curriculum "My Right to Play, Learn, and Create" in kindergartens in Egypt to represent a challenge to kindergarten teachers' competencies. For the purpose of promoting kindergarten teachers the current study aimed at training kindergarten students on learning how to think by using CoRT1! and determining its effectiveness on meta cognition .The study sample consisted of (n=60, M= 17.7) female students in the third level in Child Education department .The participants were assigned to two groups; experimental (n=30), and control group (n=30).CoRT1 was used after adjusting its activities. Meta cognition Inventory (Schraw& Dennison, 1994 standardized to Arabic by Abou Hashim, 1999) was also used. The two groups were assured to be analogous before administering CoRT1.The results indicated no significant differences among the means of the control group degrees before and after the administration of CoRT1 .Significant differences (p 20.01) were found in the total degree of meta cognition, its two dimensions and all its components except Information Administration and debugging (p=0.05) and all significant differences were in favor of the experimental group. There were also significant differences among the means of the experimental group in Meta cognition before and after CoRT | in favor of after CoRTI1. A significant effect size was found for CoRT]; very strong on total score of Meta cognition and the subscales: declarative, operational, and conditional knowledge about knowledge and evaluation; strong on planning, self monitoring and ambiguity avoidance; and medium strong on Information Administration. The effectiveness of CoRT1 lasted partially after a month since CoRT1 was suspended. The differences were in favor of the direct measurement after the termination of CoRTI compared to the follow up measurements. It is recommended to study the interaction among CoRT1 components and those on Meta cognition on large male and female samples of a variety of age levels. Keywords: CoRT ,meta cognition,my right to play, learn and create, pre- service kindergarten teachers .
educators in Jerash governorate, as well as the study aims to determine the impact of gender and experience variables . The tool of the study was questionnaire consisted of (27) items and divided into four dimensions. stratified random sample was chosen. As well as the san1ple size was (213) teachers were randomly chosen from Jerash schools in the academic year 2011/2012. The results of the study showed that the challenges of globalization that face the work of educators were high on the tool as a whole, and in the economic and social fields. But the effect was moderate in the fields of educational and cultural challenges. The results of the study also showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of (a >0.05) in determining the challenges of globalization due to the variable of gender. On the other hand, there are statistically significant differences at this level on a variable of experience in favor of experienced teachers (words: 113 words, Key words: children's educators, challenges of globalization) .
This paper will present the strategies used to enhance the spirit of gladness at the child in order to push him, at the end, toward creativity and excellence. The main topics studied by this paper: - definition of Gladness - the child is the gladness, so don’t miss his identity - To confirm the childhood gladness - To enhance the gladness resulting from the stability of the family - To enhance the gladness resulting from enjoying good mentality - To teach the gladness of self confidence - To teach the gladness of generosity - To enhance the gladness of success, excellence and creativity .
Evaluation of the research methodology for Educational programmer presented in pre- school to authenticate for the social identity. A research submitted by __ Dr. Ikhlas Hasan Assaid Ashria, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Khartoum. Through the challenges that face the third millennium, and the call for quality performance to upgrade the scientific research in a fast-turbulent world, there is the need for good qualitative education that guarantees effective dealing with the various dimensions of child, and as indicated by the economic literature, scientific research, for a distinctive education, includes intermingled multi-dimensions: economic, humane, environmental, and technological, that will achieve tangible progress when resolved. The study aimed to evaluate the practical application at the Khartoum Foundation for Private Education — early Education from the year 2003 — 2011, by the means of analyzing the outcomes of the leadership programmer presented by the foundation with the vision to prepare a generation of leaders and a high quality educational message that achieves leadership and pioneering, to raise a challenge slogan: we work for a better future. The researcher analyzed the outcomes of the self- learning programmer for developing multiple intelligences. The study analyzed the other outcomes of the programmer represented in the social activities, educational projects, educational forums, community empowerment activities, international participations, the continuous professional programmer, intelligent sharing with parents, whereas the researcher has used the descriptive analytical approach. The sample included a comparison between eight various centers for early education. The researcher used the direct observation, individual interviews and questionnaires. The results show that there are statistical differences according to the teacher and director’s response. The study recommended the importance and the clarity of the visional mission of the foundation in training and the need for adopting of the applied programs for the distinct scientific researches .
Sense of numerical is the important part of mathematics which focuses on the numerical and aims to develop public awareness of the number and processes it, and realize the size of the number and compared numbers with anther one, and flexibility in the development of multiple strategies for mental calculation and estimate approximate, and the selection mark numerical characteristics, all that appears in the student performance through the active environment and the structure of sports are interlinked between the calculation methods different, as well as communication between school mathematics and life situations, in recent years the concept of sense of numerical has increased interest, in the past (1989, 1991, 1995) announced that the National Committee for Teachers of Mathematics America "NCTM" for the adoption of common numerical theme in the formal curriculum and evaluation standards in the Mathematical Standards book under the following headings: Standard No. 5: The relationship between numbers and the sense of numerical and standard No. 7: The account and appreciation. It was found that the development of numerical sense in children comes through social interaction with adults and other children during play activities and interactions that occur in the formal school. From here came the idea of the study in the development of numerical sense skills to the children first grade through the use of educational games. The study attempted to answer the following questions: 1 - What is the impact of the use of educational games in the development of skill and understanding of the meaning and the size of the numbers for the children of first primary grade? 2 - What is the impact the use of educational games in the development of skill of understanding the meaning and impact calculations for the children of first primary grade? 3 - What is the impact the use of educational games in the development of skill to realize the impact calculations and use them in life situations for the children of first primary grade? To answer the study questions and the achievement of its objectives was to prepare the following tools: 1 - Teacher's Guide. 2 - Test of the skill of understanding the meaning and the size of numbers. 3 - Test of the skill of understanding the meaning and impact calculations 4- Test of the skill to realize the impact calculations and use them in life situations After Tools of the study was Setup, were followed the following steps: * Choose a Study Group. Students from first primary grade from the university elementary school, in the academic year 2011 / 2012 the first semester, and divided into two groups, the first control and second experimental who has studied the use of educational games. * Teaching for the two study groups. * Application of the dimensional numerical tests skills common to the two study groups. * Monitoring and analyzing the results and interpretation. The study found an improvement in the understanding of students of the experimental group that used educational games are clearly more of the students of the control group and in the meaning and the size of the numbers and understand the meaning and impact calculations, and more clearly the results of the test the skill to realize the impact calculations and use them in life situations, they came results statistically significant in favor of the experimental group in the application dimensional in the three tests (meaning the size of the numbers and understand the meaning and impact calculations, understanding of the impact calculations and use them in life situations) and the total test overall representative of the common numerical sense skills appropriate for students in first primary grade. Also it shown the high size of the impact when calculated for the three tests and the total of the test as a whole, but it was the most Maicon to the test of the meaning and the size of the numbers and understand ,then to skill to realize the impact calculations and use them in life situations test, finally, to the test of the meaning and impact calculations on numbers. .
There is this research on the relationship between the culture of the Arab family from the repercussions of globalization and its mechanisms of renewable and children's·rights, based on field trial on a sample of urban households in four selected communities are Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Palestine, each of which its specificity compared influenced by globalization also differ in their determinants of building that control the exercise of the rights of the child. The research consists of four main points, first the basic features of the search, the second theoretical framework for research, the third action research methodology, the latest research results and recommendations. The research sample consisted of 1200 individual research are equally distributed on the communities of interest, and made the process of collecting data through interview form included 80 questions reflect the entrance of a multi-dimensional children's rights .. The research found many of the results including : - That the culture of the Arab family towards the child oscillating between distorted and modernization of traditional (and not of modernity) is completed . -That the Arab child is still suffering from the absence of social rights Pmal10 Kalandemaj compared with a group peers, and not to accompany him to his parents a lot out of the house. - Lack of freedom of expression and the development of his ability to creativity and imagination your childhood, and even subjected to physical punishment, psychological and economic argument away from the reward and punishment. - Failure to possess the necessary education and media to interact with the spirit of the age in which they live . - Meet the relative health of his rights either to economic factors such as poverty or cultural function on the modernization of distorted. - Suffering from cases of family disintegration and expulsion for potential fights within the Family . - Taken as a means of possible economic disputes between the parents. - That the Arab family lacks the necessary legal awareness for the exercise of the rights of the child and are based instead on the customs and traditions and custom. - Accordingly been diagnosed with a number of recommendations that provide for the family . - and the community to exercise the rights of the child as a human and legal reversed. .
Based on Ministerial Decree No. (94) on 28/4/2009, promulgated for merging children with minor disabilities in ordinary kindergartens, and the presence of merged children in kindergartens, and finding out the extent to which the teachers provide righteous practices for these merged children, the study aimed at getting acquainted with the Convention of the Rights of Child with Special Needs, to educate teachers on the instruction of children with special needs to know what are their rights, duties and responsibilities, through the preparation of an educational manual to prepare the teachers for training of the children with special needs to exercise their rights, and in order to achieve the objective, and to answer questions of the study, through the field study and linking between the theoretical and practical aspects, and in light of this, the following tools were used: Poll form to preview the teachers opinions on the subject of merged child rights . 1- 2-Questionnaire for the teachers on the application of some educational practices with the merged children in kindergarten. 3-Educational guide for preparing the teachers for training merged children with special needs to exercise their rights . 4- A training program for teachers to use the educational guide and application of some rights practices by children with special needs. The study followed the experimental method, where the teachers questionnaire has been implemented to prepare them for the training children with special needs merged in the kindergarten to exercise their rights, and the sample of kindergarten specialized teachers working in the kindergarten implementing the merging system, of the number (60) teachers, divided into two groups (experimental and control), and each group consists of (30) teachers. Statistical transactions were applied to reach the following results: 1- The study showed that the reality of dealing with children with special needs when merged, are affected with the extent of teachers awareness of the importance of merging the children with minor disabilities and exercising their rights. 2- It was clear the extent of attention the teachers pay to how io satisfy the special needs of the child during the merge. 3- The study showed that preparing the teachers with special needs on how to prepare programs and activities (instructional practices) provided for children with special needs contribute to strengthen the rights of children with special needs. 4- Lack of material and human resources available when merging children with special needs, indicating the teacher need to the availability of health services and a psychological and social specialist in the kindergarten, as well as the availability of some of the techniques and audio-visual aids. 5- The guide and program facilitate for the teachers to develop educational activities provided for the merged child inclusive of some rights practices. 6- The manual helped the teachers to recording the results through the design of records by noting the information and practices on the development and growth of the child with special needs during the implementation phases of the merging program. In light of these results the researcher recommends the following: 1. To start the merge from the beginning of kindergarten and the application of human rights practices. 2. To Prepare training courses taking place centered on the most important ways of dealing with children with special needs Before and during the special service for kindergarten teachers. 3. To modify the teacher and normal children attitudes towar.ds children with special needs. 4. Taking into account the teacher capacities when determining the functions of participation in the merging program instead of considering it as a duty imposed on them. .
The research aims at investigating the status que of children’s teaching and learning strategies in kindergartens to improve their future qualifications. It also attempts to provide recommendations and suggestions to the requirements of improving children’s future qualifications. The researcher follows a descriptive and analytical methodology to investigate and analyze data. She uses the following instruments: content analysis, questionnaire, parents” surveys. These instruments are deployed to achieve the research objectives; to check teachers’ commitment to teaching and learning strategies; to improve the performance of kindergartens, and to provide children future preparation requirements. Furthermore, both authenticity and consistency are validated through the genuineness of content. Reanalysis is also conducted by researchers and a questionnaire committee of kindergarten specialists. The researcher uses the arithmetic mean to calculate the percentage of questionnaire responses and parents’ surveys. Then she orders the results descendingly. The results show that there is a rise in the percentage of those who answered with a “ves,” where it ranges between 98% and 74%. These percentages point out that most teachers carry out such methods used in kindergartens as games, stories, synthetic models and practices that develop children’s patriotic, national, social, cultural and ethical responsibilities. Parents’ survey also demonstrates the fulfillment of integration between kindergartens and homes to better the children’s growth and care. This comes as a result of kindergartens’ application of qualitative approach; best seen in the recruiting of qualified teachers on the one hand, and well implemented teaching and learning strategies on the other hand. Most notable recommendations and suggestions are: providing kindergartens with a variety of modem means such as up-to-date laboratories for practical specialties, workshops and playgrounds so that children may be able to sort out their interests and connect them with their future life. Moreover, forums and lectures are to be held for kindergarten teachers using visual and audible presentations to help them recognize modern teaching and learning methods. Besides, recruitment criteria are to be improved so as to include job enthusiasm and children’s interactive behavior. Also, the need to set measures to assess children’s skills after each activity to assure future interests and needs. Again, family participation in kindergarten activities is essential to assure children’s growth in all fields. Finally, the researcher suggests to conduct a research that tackles teachers’ satisfaction with children’s teaching and learning strategies in kindergartens. .
This research aims to shed light on the challenges of globalization, which impede the Arab child's upbringing, and on how to face them, especially the exclusion of the Arabic language and the dominance of foreign languages in the new globalization and its ability to absorb modern civilization. The research also aims to show the way of facing these challenges and the contribution of kindergarten teachers in the promotion the Arabic language in kindergarten children. The researcher reviewed a number of previous studies in the context of globalization and its challenges to exclude the Arabic language, and then he prepared a particular questionnaire to identify the extent to which kindergarten teachers can contribute the promotion of Arabic language in kindergarten children. The questionnaire was distributed to a sample consist of (120) kindergarten teachers from Damascus governorate. It was selected randomly to be a representative sample of the research community numbered as (267) kindergarten teachers, with a rate of (44.9%), appropriate statistical methods were used to analyze and process the data, to reach to the following results: - The degree of kindergarten teachers contribution in the promotion of Arabic language in kindergarten children were very large with an average of arithmetic mean (4.37) out of(5). - statistically significant differences were found at the level of (0.05) among the mean scores of the sample's individuals regarding to the extent of the kindergarten's teachers contribution in the promotion of the Arabic language in kindergarten children depending on the service's years and for the benefit of its service from 5 to 10 years. " The research confirms on the importance of the original Arabic civilization, and called to face its various challenges, strengthen national belonging for the Arab children through a number of recommendations including: - Rejection of foreign cultural domination through promoting Arab cultural identity, supporting the Arabic language , strengthen its position and stimulate national development. - Development of educational cunicula and up-to the data of modern global civilization. - Preparing and training the teachers to meet the ongoing challenges in its various forms, enhancing Arab values and the democratic spirit in students and teachers souls to be reflected in their daily lives; to achieve the supreme goals of Arab Education. .