المجلد الرابع عشر/ العدد الثاني 2012 - Jerash University
Jerash for Research and Studies - المجلد الرابع عشر/ العدد الثاني 2012


This research aimed to investigate the impact of an educational program based on movement play in improving oral expressive performance of tl1e fourth grade students in the context of globalization To achieve this objective, the researchers chose a sample of (106) students divided into two groups: experimental and control group in two schools: the School of Amr lbn KulthowJ1 and the School of 8th of Shubat. Using the test performance in oral expression the results showed that: the experimental group has developed a better stander of skills in oral expression than the control group. And there are significant statistical differences in the performance of oral expression due to gender. In the light of these findings the researchers recommended a number of recommendations . .
The research aims to identify trends in satisfaction of the families of kindergarten children in regard to their upbringing, nurture, education and level of care. For families satisfied with their child's kindergarten experience, i.e.: the kindergarten teacher, their capabilities, the equipment available, the activities practiced by the children, the educational work in the kindergarten, the level of cooperation between the families and kindergarten itself, etc. This should shed some light on the relation between parents as well as the distinctions within the kindergartens themselves . The study sample consisted of 120 individuals representing the families of children enrolled in the governmental kindergartens through the Ministry of Education as well as many of the typical kindergartens found in of Al-zhar, AI-Azhar Al-Sharif in Cairo and Dakahlia. To achieve the objectives of this study, they applied the questionnaire to members of the sample containing special words. The words were used to analyze what trends developed. The results of the study showed many positive responses from these families describing the degree of their satisfaction with the kindergarten represented. The study showed their level of satisfaction in communicating with kindergarten teachers and the importance of equipment used as well as the capabilities of the kindergarten itself in regard to the upbringing, education, and proper care of their children. General speaking, most of the responses were positive which reflected a positive vision for the levels of satisfaction that families had with their kindergarten. The results of the study explained the important role played by these trends in order to strengthen the communication between families and kindergartens. The responses have shown the importance of allowing families to express their concerns for their children enrolled in kindergarten as well as their satisfaction towards the kindergarten itself. This process is necessary in order to allow them to take stand on a lot of problems that exist in the kindergarten system, by allowing them to have an active role in the education of their children. Also, it showed the necessity of the interaction between the family and the kindergartens themselves to contribute to the overall upbringing, education, teaching, and care for kindergarten children. .
The research is aimed to question the conception of the Fifth-grade primary school students about the electronic games. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire is designed to know the members of the research who are fifth grade primary school students male and female who are tasted randomly in the primary schools in Baghdad and Mosul where the number of the research community reached (300) male and female students. Statistics methods of (person) coefficients association and Alpha equation of kronbakh and the (T test) are used. The results proved trends of the fifth-grade primary school students towards electronic games were positive. It is clear that there are no differences in the trends of the Fifth grade primary school students, due to sex variable. The arithmetic proportion for male has reached (77.06) and the arithmetic proportion for female has reached (74.17).We learn from that there are no differences of statistical sign at the level (a=0.05) in the trends of the fifth grade primary school students towards electronic games and again due to sex variable. Excluding article 10 which is recorded an arithmetic proportion of (3.49).The results of the research concluded some recommendations: which are as following:­Encourage the programmers in the ministry of education to design and write down the electronic games and culture games. Cooperation between the ministry of culture and the ministry of education to put a system of games classification. Eliminate copying and selling software programs. Make the education games available in the schools and students clubs. The awareness of parents with danger of some electronic games..
The present research aims to shed light on the impact‏ ‎of advertising on the behavior of children of Riyadh from the perspective‏ ‎of their parents. this research follows the analytical descriptive‏ ‎method by interviewing some parents used the Find tool to search the‏ ‎questionnaire component of (30) paragraph, compared to four-‏ ‎graded scale shows the degree of approval (OK degree: high,‏ ‎medium, weak, and I do not agree.), Was the availability of validity and ‎reliability him.‏ ‎It was concluded from the research sample answers the following:‏ ‎Most parents have a negative view of ads in the direction of change the‏ - ‎behavior of their children and supported their children were‏ ‎more accepting of the negative aspects of advertising,‏ ‎including the positive.‏ ‎respondents believe that the ads do not provide useful information for‏ ¢ ‎their children as much as using many methods of deception‏ ‎and disinformation.‏ ‎*the percentage of ads that are beneficial for children are‏ ‎almost negligible compared to food advertising, especially harmful.‏ .
The aim of the present research is to demonstrate some means of globalization influencing the order of Arab family in order to shake it, and disturb its functions, especially children education, taking from cultural normalization and enterprises of international civil society as examples. This research tries to illustrate and determine every single means with their most important manifestations, and its influence on Muslim Arab family and where it may lead it, contenting with media globalization as one of the manifestations of cultural normalization and law globalization as one of international civil society manifestations. It has reached a group of results from which it has created some commandments that are like essential elements to protect referential religion and morals to get a Muslim Arab family which preserves originality, accompanies actual development, and accomplishes its educational functions without excess or loss. This research depends on analytic methodology. .
In the name of God the Merciful Praise be to God, prayer and peace upon the Messenger of Allah and after. family is the basic building block for the construction of society and their relation to society and the corruption of Salah, and therein lies its importance. Today it is in a state of confusion between the requirements of the times, which are in themselves the challenges facing the family in terms of the large number of these requirements and seriousness of the family, because they occupy the family and the bases of the father and mother and keep them from the task entrusted to them, which is building a good generation adheres to his religion and faith and morals of conservative identity and Arab identity customs and traditions that grew out of our communities. On the other hand the challenges facing the family hamper the work of education and affect it significantly, as the structure of how to mend one person and there are thousands of demolish? When a structure-day finish if you build and destroy others. Hence the idea of research were divided into three sections research topic dealt with the first Miusband pillars of the family of the requirements of modern life and what it represents the challenges and the importance of mother in the family building. The second section was in some ways and methods useful in Koranic education, and some means of warning the wrong that negatively affect the family and building construction is correct. The third topic was the most important faced by the family of the challenges of globalization and of openness to the world and how to contact the correct and Tatherh directly on the sons adversely affected, and the role played by the media in all its means multiple and diverse demolition of building family and directed by young people of morals­Semitism. And then concluded the most important research findings and recommendations that came out of research. Pleading with God Muwafaqiya of payment, and our final prayer is praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds . .
Today , famly becomes the interest of the educational scientists because of its role in developing the society and in all the fields . and Parents have to be good models and appositive exercise in an acceptable manner with the family in order to be imitated by and loved by its members , while also being sure of their family environment free from any other negative patterns of behavior make it unacceptable . and the formation of fertile ground to practice the currents _ of globalization to achieve the goals and objectives, and which does not serve the community and their aspirations and cultural development according to what he saw as he wishes. And Parents have to give confidence to children and grow independence to establish sound persons , it can respond positively to all the factors derived from the challenge of globalization, and their directions may not serve the cohesion of their families and their communities and their aspirations for the future . .
The study aims at exploring the pre-school educational planning in Sudan, its current status, objectives and the principles on which it is based. It also takes into account the aims of the pre-school educational strategy, its instruments, methods of planning as well as identifying the means of follow-up, implementation and evaluation of the pre- school educational planning. Teacher training programs planning, problems and challenges facing the pre- school educational institutions with reference to globalization also represent some of the areas of concern. In order to achieve the aims of the study, the researcher has followed the descriptive method using the questionnaire as a major tool to which experts and those who are concerned from the pre-school educational planning domain have responded? In statistical analysis, the researcher has used the Pearson’s split-half reliability coefficient, Spearman-Brown reliability coefficient, the mean, percentage and the T-test. .
This study aimed to identify the impact of globalization on child-rearing Sudanese from the perspective of parents in the acquisition of values and social aspects. The sample consist of (200) persons, (100) mothers and (100) parents. The researcher relied on the descriptive method, by using questionnaire as a tool to collect data. The researcher used the methods of statistical (statistical software packages) The results are: 1 - There are positive effects of globalization on child-rearing in the Sudan was to gain some aspects of heals and instruction and keep up with technological development and to identify the modern and new. 2- there are negative effects of globalization on child-rearing in the disintegration of Sudan was captured, removed from the Sudanese culture in child-rearing, acquire some harmful customs and traditions such as smoking, drugs, and get used to the violence 2 - there are negative effects of globalization on child-rearing in the disintegration of Sudan was captured, removed from the Sudanese culture in child-rearing, acquire some harmful customs and traditions such as smoking, drugs, and get used to the violence 3 - there are negative effects of globalization on child-rearing in the disintegration of Sudan was captured, removed from the Sudanese culture in child-rearing, acquire some harmful customs and traditions such as smoking, drugs, and get used to the violence Recommendations:- 1 - raise awareness of the various dimensions of globalization in captivity, especially mothers, parents and educational institutions of Sudan. 2- Use of teaching methods to take advantage of the positive aspects of globalization. 3 - Focus on the Family in child-rearing. 4- Sudan's interest in culture and communicated through educational institutions and the various channels. 5- Increase awareness of the negative aspects of globalization and to create ways and means of education to avoid these aspects. 6- Further research on the awareness of the phenomenon of globalization and its effects on society of Sudan and Sudanese communities. .